Sunday, June 02, 2013


Hit 100km on my Nike+ running app yesterday! I'm not a fast runner, neither am I a very motivated one. I get lazy and not run in weeks and then get inspired to run again. The cycle repeats itself. After 16 runs, I've finally hit 100km! So that's a small achievement for me. And that's the good thing, now for the bad. I fell and scrapped my knees again while running. I fell a month ago while running too and I attributed it to being careless, but surely, I couldn't have been careless again. So I've been thinking about the reasons for my fall.

I noticed that my shoes wear out unevenly and the soles are kind of uneven. I never really thought much of it for my normal shoes for walking but I'm not sure if the uneven soles have an impact on running.

My Mum, out of concern, has stopped me from running for two months, which I feel is really too long! I'm even considering joining the king of the road run in August. It's something that I really want to do but I fear that I'll fall again. When I fell, the first thing I thought about was not the pain and the scars that will remain (although I'm worried about those now), but how my parents will worry and stop me from running again.

It's now such a chore to even walk. Going to take in more nutrition for now for proper wound healing!

On to happier things now!

I dragged my sorry legs out of bed and my chair to make these today with my mum and grandma. There, I said I'd attempt to make red turtle cake and here they are now. I searched many sites to look for a recipe that states that the skin will remain soft even after it has cooled. After trawling through so many sites, I finally found it here. Only followed the recipe for the dough/skin.

If anyone's interested to make it, I used

300g sweet potatoes (orange sweet potatoes)
200g glutinous rice flour
1tbsp rice flour
2tbsp sugar
3tbsp canola oil 

130g hot water 

And the method is very easy too. Just steam the sweet potatoes and use a rolling pin to crush them up, then add the remaining ingredients to it and knead it. My mum did the kneading and she added the water slowly into the mixture. It turned out well. 

And for the filling, we used both red bean paste and peanut filling.
There was nothing to complain about for the red bean paste since it was store bought and warm when I ate it, but I'm so disappointed with the peanut filling that we made. It tasted like the muah chee type of peanut s which was so ): I expected it to taste a little more like Poh Cheu's. But hey, if their recipe is so easy to replicate, they wouldn't be this famous already, right? I'll attempt more of such fillings first before the third attempt at red turtle cake! The skin, true to its promise, remained soft even after it cooled down. This is of utmost importance to me because the last time we made it, the skin turned super hard after it cooled down.

 Before going into the steamer.We didn't make it in the turtle shape just because we were lazy, ahaha.

 Red bean ones made by yours truly:D

 The one month old baby type that my mum shaped.

Totally random photo of a quiche I just had hot out of the oven. Not baked by me but my mum again. My amazing Mum!

I want to pray for my mum everyday, that she will receive the love that she deserves Lord.


jx:D said...

haha, your red turtle cake so KEWT one! those without the patterns:P

ty said...

yay good job sam! keep it up but be careful yeah! :D