Thursday, July 09, 2009

Hmm, life has been good. Though I've been spending time at home doing nothing. Somehow, when you've got more time, you start to think and your mind starts to wander. I don't like that feeling so i'm going to try to stop those thoughts.
Okay so I'm going to the science faculty in NUS. I don't know if it's the best decision but it's something I like, so all the best to me then. Not really looking forward to school. but yet, I don't really relish in spending the rest of my life staying at home doing nothing. I don't know. I think i'm such a contradiction.
Anyway, I've finished a korean drama gourmet! I like the actor cause he's so charismatic. :D And the actress Kim So Yeon is pretty too(: It's a drama worth watching if you like to eat food hahaha. First korean drama i bought.(:
So problems at home led me to ponder over issues of trust and stuff. I wonder if you can still trust someone after he/she has lied to you or betrayed your trust. I don't know why but i think i wouldn't be able to do that. People may say that i'm behaving very strongly just because of an incident but I cannot seem to believe anyone again. I might say this but who knows whether I'll be so foolish to be taken in another time. Life is really unpredictable. I don't know what to think anymore.
Now that i'm not working, I'm free to meet people I've always wanted to meet but haven't had time to.(: I hope to meet jiayen soonnn((: Hahaha.
College day has been cancelled. I feel relieved yet a little sad. Cause I wouldn't have to fret over what to wear on that day but yet I wouldn't be able to meet people. Hahaha I already said I'm a contradiction.
Alright I'm off to do my registration for NUS!