Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thought Catalog

Been following thought catalog on twitter for some time now, and I like how they manage to put across what I feel so simply, when I have no idea how to express myself. Okay I have no one to blame but my poor language skills.

Just wanted to share something I felt would be applicable to me now, since I'm starting work soon. On dressing our age. Maybe not yet, but soon. An excerpt from Thought catalog : Why 20-Somethings Need To Start Dressing Better.(full post here)

"We have to finally stop being so scared of adulthood and understand that dressing with a certain level of sophistication is not a bad thing. At first, it might feel like you’re playing dress up but eventually it will settle into who you are. That’s the coolest part about letting your personal style mature. You really find yourself starting to enjoy it and then it becomes an accurate reflection of who you are"

Don't know why I posted this, just felt that it's an interesting point. 

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