Monday, May 28, 2012


Kind of feel very awkward when I look like a 바보, especially to myself. Don't really know what I'm feeling either. But I just don't like to be put into a situation where it seems like I'm trying too hard or I'm showing too much concern, especially when there are no boundaries.

And I don't like it when others who are not really close to me yet show me too much concern. Not in the bad way that I don't want them to show concern, but I would definitely question the motives behind the actions and more importantly I would tread dangerously on the line and need to stop myself from thinking that it means anything more than it should.

Actually thinking about it, if it were the other way round, i.e. Me showing concern for them like 'get enough rest', 'take care'. I wouldn't think much of it because it's just showing concern for a friend. But I just get affected when people treat me well, when I least expect it. And I guess that is how I am. I just need to learn that I shouldn't question the intentions and well, stop having double standards.

Don't think anyone knows what I'm talking about here but this is just for my own reference to see that I have sorted out my thinking. I may have sorted out my thinking but it still doesn't stop me from thinking the other way.

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