Sunday, September 15, 2013

First time ever

I think I can declare The Tinsel Rack's good girl flare skirt my favouritest skirt of all time because of this.

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It's my first purple skirt, well, blurple as they call it, even though I feel that purple is a colour that is really difficult to match. I was just attracted to the purple colour the first time I saw all the colours they had for this skirt in denim. And I guess I got the last piece in size M becuase it was out of stock after I carted it out so yay! I think purple denim is harder to come by anyway and I'm glad that I got it eventually because it's my favourite skirt. I like that it's not sheer at all and it's also longer by half an inch.

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I got it in size M and it fits well. I don't actually wear it super high waist but a little bit lower so the measurement of 13" across fits well. It felt more fitting after a meal so it can act as a control when going for buffets right? Hahaha. And I guess it's more flare compared to the chiffon polyester ones because of the material. But I really really like it! The back has a lot of pleats which I didn't really notice from the chiffon ones since those are flowy so it looks quite 'pong' from the back. And I tried to be more careful so as not to crumple it when I wore it out and I feel that it's do-able! Haha! My skirt wasn't that crumpled when I got home. Oh and an interesting thing to note is that when ironing the skirt, the purple changed to a different shade, and I was quite alarmed at first but it became the normal colour after it cooled down. If you ask me, I feel that the version one in brick one creases the easiest.

Haven't worn my salmon pink and white ones out. It's time to wear them out! Awesome skirt that skirt lovers should own in at least one colour or material. I just realized that I've got them in all 3 versions, the first toyland gold buttons skirt in brick made of cotton polyester, the chiffon polyester ones in mint, salmon and white and the denim version in blurple. I was actually tempted to buy the chiffon ones in all colours. I still like the cobalt blue one a lot but I guess I won't have much tops to match it with because most of my tops are dark colours.

Must change my new habit of buying the same item in multiple colours, something my mum taught me, no joke, hahaha.


jx:D said...

muahaha show ur mum:p

Anonymous said...

hey~ may i know where did you get the floral top from? :)

Samantha said...

Hello! I got it from Bangkok!(: