Thursday, February 07, 2008

i think i haven't blogged since last week or so.
the past week, has been fine.
you know, sometimes i feel, even when i'm surrounded by so many people, i feel so alone. that feeling never fails to surround me. and i find my temper getting worse and at extremes. i guess i've really been thinking far too much than i really should. sometimes, i feel, life's short, and we shouldn't worry so much, but yet, at other times, which is really most of the time, i feel that of course there's a need to worry. and how can you just cruise through life thinking about nothing?

and of course, another thing is, i feel like such a hypocrite. i find that you really suck but why am i still talking to you as if i treat you like my friend. i've tried my best to be accommodating but your actions seem to make my efforts futile. i can't go on doing this.

i've gotten my math and chem msas back. chem has really disappointed me. or i've disappointed myself and i'm really surprised for math. and the rest will be bad (this is the pessimistic me). we had a talk on stress relief and through a personality test, i find that i'm still pessimistic. i guess old habits die hard.

the new year has been, stuffing my face with yummy pastries. no bakkwa for me this year cause mum didn't buy. inflation you see.

it's time to go. to brighten my mood watching yoga! (: what an emo post, and on CNY at that.

'why is it people without background can never learn tact?'
- peter stockmann, an enemy of the people

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