On a night like this, the first day of 2014, trying to reflect on the year that has just past. So many things to be thankful for, so many blessings. I've learnt a lot this year, through losses, gains, everything. Maintained the friendships that has strengthened throughout the past year, forged new ones. In a way, 2013 was a year of many firsts for me. Many of which would be to do with God and spiritually. Water baptism, holy spirit baptism, attending life group, serving in a ministry. Others would be travelling with friends for the first time, to Hong Kong in May this year, cafe hopping, running marathons just to list a few. I have not been the most perfect. Even now, as I think of all my mistakes and my flaws, I feel ashamed and unworthy of love. But I thank God, my parents and friends for still loving me despite how I don't deserve it. I learnt forgiveness. I can now gladly and happily say that I can forgive because I've been forgiven much. I finally let go of that burden that I'd been holding on to for four years. Four years, that was how long it took for me to have the courage to face my past. I can only thank God for that supernatural strength. I've also learnt about loss. I still think of my cousin who left us this year. She taught me so much. I've learnt not to judge. I see people around me who remind me of her, and I get reminded not to judge. On a less serious note, I've also appeared on television, for the first time, albeit for just a few seconds.
In 2014, I want to listen more to God and know His direction for me, be it in terms of career/going back to studying/just anything. I also want to be more aware and sensitive to the needs of others. In other words, be less self-centred. Love more, judge less, continue exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle, eating healthier and cleaner. Save more, see more of the world, maintain my friendships. I can't speak for my shopaholic ways because I know I will still shop as and whenever I like to. More faith, more faith, greater conviction in God, and to read His word more so that I can be always prepared whenever my faith is challenged. Not that it ever wavers, but I want to be able to respond in a way that glorifies Him more, and not give such an anti-climax or lousy answer. More importantly, for His light to shine through me, such that others will wonder where my faith comes from.
So yes, 2013, you've been good to me. I know 2014 will be even better because God is already there, and is always for me. Christ is in me! Bring it on, 2014!