Well I've been seeing too many posts of people complaining on facebook and everywhere else. And I can't help but wonder what the purpose of complaining is.
Firstly by complaining about everything under the sun like annoying aunties, inconsiderate passers-by and anything, really, what are these people trying to achieve? Sympathy? A listening ear? Firstly, people who even care about you a single bit wouldn't even be replying you over there on such a public platform.
Next, if you really want advice, you wouldn't be doing it through social media since you're only attracting more attention to yourself. And if you're talking about a particular someone on your friend list/other mutual friends, wouldn't you be afraid that some people might see it and news might travel? Not a smart move, I personally feel. Shouldn't you be telling it to someone whom you can trust your secrets with, instead of posting cryptic messages in the hope that someone will ask you for more detail? I'm happier sharing my problems with my friends through messages, don't know about you. People who do that are just trying to garner attention and gain satisfaction from people who reply them. Not classy at all, really.
And then what comes next is what I'm so annoyed about! It's that these people are simply giving off negative energy! Don't they even realise this? Sounding like a selfish prick here because of the negative vibes that I've been getting. Not that I've been in the best of moods these days but at least I don't pass on these negative feelings on to others through a cryptic post on social media. I appreciate an inspirational quote or a quote that gets people thinking, but those who are just ranting or complaining just deserve to get unsubscribed off my news feed. Afterall, I don't think much of people who post their entire lives on Facebook.
If you're really that unhappy, find out why you're feeling this way and attempt to solve it. Complaining gets you no where. Yes, you feel better after ranting but where does it get you? No one is going to offer you a practical solution online.
Happiness is a choice, really. You choose to let the unhappiness overwhelm you. If you're always displeased over the same issue, then clearly something is wrong somewhere. It's like being trapped in maze. Your friends are the people on the outside. They can see the way out of the maze, and are shouting out the directions to you, but you insist that they are wrong and go the other way instead. You choose to trap yourself in the maze and yet complain about not being able to get out, what logic.
I think friends can give you all the advice in the world, but it's still up to yourself to decide whether you want to remain stuck in that rut or to get out of it. If such people want to keep complaining and yet refuse to listen to what others tell you over and over again, then these people should also realise that even if you're not sick of listening to others repeat the same thing over and over again, the party giving advice will also one day get sick of saying the same old thing. Another thing is that some people like asking others for advice when they clearly have already made up their mind and are just waiting for you to reaffirm their decision, but more often than not, what I say is not what they want to hear. So please consider the stand of others' as well! You know how annoying it gets when people ask for advice when they've already made up their mind. It's like our words don't count at all, really 对牛弹琴. Really tired of hearing the same thing, and knowing that I have to say this in response to that. I know I'm guilty of this sometimes but I'm trying to change and have been heeding the advice of others.
Always remember that your close friends will never mind you complaining endlessly to them or ranting simply because they're your friends. But just do it in private, please?
Another way to feel happier is to consider what you have, instead of what you don't. I remember a quote from Joy Luck Club. Jing Mei's mother tells her,"Why do you think you're missing something that you never had?" And I find it so true. The reason why most people are unhappy and dis-satisfied is because they envy what others have and wish they had what others have, without cherishing what they have. Envying never ends and is just a vicious cycle happening over and over.
Perhaps the easier way out for my own happiness would be to stop being such a stalker and looking through Facebook and do other productive stuff. That way I wouldn't be typing out this spur of the moment post when I could have spent the time elsewhere.
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