Friday, November 02, 2012


I actually typed majority of this post on 19th September, which was the day I went for the interview for the job I got. No idea why I did that. Nothing was set in stone and I even had another interview the day after. It wasn't that I was sure that I got the job or anything, but I felt like it was just different from the previous interviews I went for and for the first time, I stepped out of the building happily smiling like an idiot. So here goes, my thoughts on interviews and job searches.

I won't go into detail about answering specific questions since you can just Google for the answers like I did, I'll focus more on more practical aspects. I don't claim to be an expert since I've had my hard times and have experienced the feeling of failures and dejection so many times during this time before I got a job, stumbling many times during my previous interviews, not knowing what to say.

1. Know what you want
Okay I know this is not really an interview tip but more of a job search tip. Really, this is first and foremost the most important thing that you need to know, and I guess no one can tell you what you want except yourself. After I finished my exams, I was really at a loss, because I didn't know what I wanted out of life, didn't know what I wanted to do, didn't know what jobs to look for. But luckily for me, I was given opportunities to realize what I wanted to do. So take the time to think about what you want, and once you realise it like I did, you'll be able to move in that direction!

Also, there is really no point in applying for a job that you don't have any interest in. I actually applied for some which I felt I didn't mind doing, like research (?!!). But when the interview looms upon you, you'll just feel really sian and all, thinking why other jobs that you actually want don't call you up for interviews while jobs that you don't really want call you up instead. And even if they offer you the job (which would be quite unlikely because they can tell if you're suitable for the job, so you technically waste your time and transport fare), you are unlikely to accept it since it's not what you want. That's why it's important to just apply for those you truly want! I learnt the hard way and went through so much struggles but it's fine! I think of it as lessons to learn before I reach my destination and get what I want. 

2. Be honest
Be honest with the interviewers, and more importantly, yourself. I don't believe in lying, and can't bring myself to tell lies, so I probably have a harder time during interviews because I can't boast/inflate my capabilities to even sound convincing, so I just worked with the strengths that I knew I had and told the truth. I mean of course you need to prepare for the interview by reading up on what they do, what they're about. and think of possible answers to their questions. The standard ones like 'Tell me about yourself', 'What are your strengths and weaknesses?', as well as 'Where do you see yourself in five years?'. But don't actually memorise the answer. Just think of what you want to say and then elaborate on them during the interview. It would help to read through and know the job description and job requirements very well. For my last two interviews, I read and tried to understand all the information stated in the job advertisement and it helped when I had to ask them questions. It would also appear to them that you've prepared well and that would give you an edge over others! And DO NOT MEMORISE A SCRIPT. Because half the time you'll be trying to remember the exact words and look so unnatural. Just keep your mind open and you'll naturally think of things to say, I feel!

3. Remain calm
My friend told me to take a deep breath and enter the interview room but I didn't do that although I always wanted to. So, just remain calm and don't feel nervous. Think of it as a casual conversation between you and the interviewers. Afterall, you're getting to know what the job is about and whether it's suitable or not, and not just them deciding whether you're suitable for the job. It was in the interviews that I remained calm and truly felt like I was having a conversation with the interviewers that I felt I did better. Not trying to say that I was very good, but I felt like I was showing a more natural side of myself (in spite of the slight nervous-ness). I was glad when they laughed and joked a bit. I'm not sure if that's how they were naturally friendly, but it certainly made me feel much better. Co-incidentally, in the interviews where the interviewers were really friendly were the jobs that I received offers from. 

4. Have faith
When you've done your best during the interview, thinking that it went well, that maybe 'Yes! This is it. I'm getting the job for sure.' But one week comes and goes, with no phone call/e-mail from them. Friends or school mates who graduated together with you have found jobs while you're still waiting for that call or new calls from other companies. It's inevitable that you might feel upset and that things might be unfair, but always remember at any point in time, don't ever feel that you're lousier than them or that they're better than you. I admit it's easy to sink and wallow in despair, to complain and rant over why others are luckier, why you're so unlucky, why you need to suffer all these.

Really, it's just a matter of waiting for the right job to come. It's not just about you looking for the job, it's actually also the right job looking for you. Going to sound all preachy again, but just believe that God has a perfect plan for you, and we'll never know the grandest of His plans until His perfect timing arrives. So in the meantime, just have faith that God will provide for you. I did just that, believing that God will definitely provide for me as long as I keep having faith, remain cheerful and make everyday count instead of counting the days. There is no point in getting upset and live life so gloomy and crying (like I have done so many times before I sorted out my thinking) because even if you do all those, it doesn't mean that a job will come to you. It was the times when I let go of everything, stopped worrying and put everything into God's loving hands that I received calls and emails for interviews. When the dates of the interviews drew nearer, I did panic a little because I was always last minute in my preparations for the interviews (reading up on the mission and vision and all), but before the interview, I just told myself that 'I can do everything through Him who gives me strength'.

5. Keep smiling and remain friendly
I know this is really really difficult considering how nervous you'll be during the interview, but if you remember my 3rd advice, which is to remain calm and relax yourself, you'll find it almost natural to be talking to them normally and soon, you'll be having a normal chat with people who might become your supervisors or bosses. This would be easier if you have interviewers who are friendly and joke with you a little, but even if you don't, just keep smiling.

6. Sometimes, it's luck
I know this is hardly an advice, but I find that luck plays an important role. Timing and luck are really important. But more than luck, I believe that it's the way that you made them feel that makes you stand out and be remembered. I came across this quote before which I found to be quite true, be it in interviews, work or anything else.

"Sometimes it's not the words you say, because words can be forgotten, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

So yes, I think it's important to make a lasting impression, in a good way of course! I can't say exactly how because I don't know either. I actually still get embarrassed in front of my manager/superior because she was there during the interview and must remember all those things that I rambled on about. Rather embarrassing if I think about it.

And just for laughs, I actually brought these two key chains for the interview, thinking of them as good luck charms. The cute velvet bear is from my mum, which consists of all her wishes for me (quoting from joy luck club again! Haha!), and the bean from Rooftop prince from Korea. Somehow they must have worked their magic!

I took a rather long time to find a job, but I feel that what's most important is to find the job that you truly want, that's the greatest joy. And that is the only way you feel happy, doing what you love and loving what you do.

This is such a wordy and lengthy post. I wonder how many actually read through this. Hahaha this was how blog posts used to look like, chunks of words and no photos!

After remembering and believing in God, I still want to thank everyone who have been giving me support and encouraging me. First of all would be my family who have been at the suffering end when I lament over and get upset over not being able to find a job. They must have gotten sick of hearing the same things over and over yet they never stop encouraging me or pressuring me. As well as my friends who also gave me encouragement, Amanda who almost always comes online to keep me company whenever she could during the holidays, Fanqin for always reminding me that God is saving the best for me. Su xian (though I know she doesn't read my blog or even know my blog address) for motivating me and giving me advice on interviews and answering all my queries! Joanne for praying for me and encouraging me! Ting yu and Sally for always reading this space and commenting and encouraging me as well! You know I love you all.

The exams are coming up real soon and I wish all of you the best! We can meet up after that!


ty said...

what a great post! :D not because you mentioned my name, but that you're actually sharing the process that got you to where you are now. and your lucky charms are so cute hehe.

now that you're employed, i hope you really love what you're doing and it allows you to learn not just abt job-related stuffs, but also about yourself, and about life! :)

way to go Sam! :D

jx:D said...

boo! haha, such an informative post:P which is also v encouraging as well!(: