Monday, September 17, 2012


What is happiness to you?

Happiness to me is..

1. Buying the last piece of a top/dress from a blogshop. You know how good this feels? Especially if you've been deliberating for a very long time. And if you had not checked it out, someone else would have beaten you to it and you'd have missed buying it. If it were me I would panic. Hahaha, shopaholic talking again.

2. Having nice food. Not necessarily expensive, just nice/good food.

3. Company of family/friends. This is really important, because even if you have good food, you might not enjoy it if you're with people you dislike. Well, not that you go out with people you don't like, but sometimes there is no choice

4. People telling me something I made/cooked/baked is nice. Because I'm not that good a baker/cook, I need reassurances from people to tell me if it's good. I don't really like asking, since people may feel obliged to say it's nice. So I'd like it if they take one bite and say 'Oh it's really good!' But of course I need to reach that level first, right?

5. The feeling after exercising. I really feel very happy and accomplished after exercising. But of course before that I would need to drag myself out of my chair to change and get out of the house. And during the duration I would feel like dying but towards the end I get so motivated. If only I can save up those feelings after exercising and release them to motivate myself as and when. Hahaha talking nonsense now. Of course that isn't possible.


jx:D said...

Haha! For you, happiness would be having enough money t buy what you want:p

SimplyMe said...

HAHAHA!! I know why after you exercise you feel so super happy.... Coz your brain actually releases a hormone.... >< Sorry for the weird comment....

Samantha said...

jx: Hahaha that's right! And good food, family, friends, clothes! 3 Fs and 1 C! LOL!

Joanne: Yup it's some hormone but can't rmb which! Hope your ankle is better now!!((: