Thursday, May 24, 2012

LSM3232: Microbiology

Took this module in Year 2011/2012 Sem 1

A module very similar to LSM2203 (if I remember the code correctly, but it's experimental microbiology), just a little more in depth. We covered General, water, food and medical microbiology. As usual for microbio modules, there are lab reports to write. Each report amounted to very little of the final grade, though they required a lot of time to complete and get a good grade.

Content wise, the content was rather little compared to other modules like pharmacology and immunology, but there is still quite a bit to memorise, though it cannot be compared to the BMS ones.

Assesment: Can't really remember, but if I recall correctly, final exam was 60% (3 structured questions, 1 from each lecturer, with choices), CA was MCQ (As usual, everyone is bound to get almost full marks for this, so better to score), and 10% lab reports. Final exam was not too difficult but as usual, the bell curve pulls the average student down, at least that is what happens for me.

Practical sessions are just like the LSM2203 ones, culturing bacteria and observation, nothing much.

Overall: I didn't really enjoy this module, but it was good in a sense that it was rather 'slack' compared to the BMS modules I took in the same sem, so it didn't seem that heavy to me. The lecturers (Prof Sim and Prof Kevin) were really nice though.

Really don't remember much about this module. Will add on if I can remember(:

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