Saturday, March 08, 2008

this week has been good.
gp is over and done with. i don't wish to think about it until after all the block tests are over.
and as for chinese, i'm glad to say that i didn't let myself down. and i'm going to study real hard this year so that i won't cry because of disappointment. instead, i will cry tears of joy next year. i was talking to my mum yesterday, of my fear of not being able to attain what i want to next year. ship told me to do what i did for the Os but i feel so overwhelmed by the workload i'm not sure if i can make it. my aunt got all As for her As. as of yesterday, i've one more idol added to my long list.
yesterday was a fun and interesting and exciting day for steph sujun and i(:
we began our stalking trail after collecting our chinese results. and of course, 偷拍-ed some people in particular. :D and jay still looks nice despite having a change in hairstyle. and some other things are best left unsaid.
goodbye to 142! and hello to 1 hour bus journey home.

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