Relieved beyond words that tumor bio is finally over. These sleepless nights, okay not sleepless but rather lack of sleep nights are finally over because there is less uncertainty in my next 2 papers. Not that I'm going to ace them or that they are going to be very easy, but at least I know what to expect from these papers.
Can't believe and can't wait to graduate and then go to korea!!
Blogging this from my phone now. Haha cheap thrills.
Time to flip the cancer notes from 3224 now. Should be easier now that I've completed LSM4243 tumor biology? Haha. The paper was seriously... First I didn't know what to expect from all 4 lecturers. But in the end they tested some very common sense questions. Hande's was the worst because he tested the tutorial, and the last 4 slides of his last lecture notes. I lucked out because I read the tutorial this morning and decided that I would memorise that last 4 slides for fun. Not that I have lots of memory space but just to feel secure that I memorised something.
That's life science students for you, need to memorise things to feel secure and yet we complain about memorising, and shun away from application questions.
Okay I think this post is getting more and more irrelevant.
But I don't know what to make of guys who give their number to girls. What are they thinking, seriously? Do they expect the girls to actually make the first move? Yours truly has only ever been at the receiving end.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Saturday, April 07, 2012
i really like this post from thought catalog. This post fully expresses my feelings towards someone I really really want to know.
In order for all of this to work though, you have to let me know you. You have to let me cut you open and trust that I won’t accidentally hit a nerve. You have to accept me for my shortcomings and understand that you’re a better person than I am. I’m a little rotten. Please don’t let that deter you though. Because when I look at you, I see someone who makes sense. I see an anomaly — someone who’s untouched by all of the modern inventions and hang ups. I see someone I want to know.
You should follow Thought Catalog on Twitter here.
Not plagiarising but I'll just repost it with credits.
I Want To Know YouMAR. 26, 2012By RYAN O'CONNELL 
I want to know you. You seem like someone worth knowing. Every day I feel like I’m surrounded by people with hard edges and sour faces but I get the sense that you’re different. Too often people seem to think that they have the answers to everything. Their faces are trapped in permascowls and they can’t be bothered with anything besides their own narcissism. You aren’t like that. You still ask questions. You’re still looking for the answers.People with kind hearts make me feel dirty. Like I need to give my personality a bath or something. Rub it clean of my neuroses and judgments. But that’s a good thing. When someone inspires you to take a long hard look at yourself and question all of your bad habits, they’re someone worth keeping around. It’s all about finding that person who’s able to hold up a mirror to your life and cause you to reevaluate the noise. It’s all about wanting to be a better man.I know you’ll surprise me. I know you’ll take a right turn when I’m convinced you’ll take a left. All of this may seem arbitrary (why does it even matter if you take a right instead of a left?) but it provides me with a giant sense of relief. Do you know what it feels like to go through life rarely being surprised? The person who you think is going to hurt you ends up leaving you alone at three in the morning. The person who will never understand your jokes or passions turns out to be a stranger forever. You sleep with them, go out to dinners, and even run away to a bed and breakfast on a long weekend, all in hopes that they’ll start to make sense to you one day. But they never do. They just get more and more foreign each day. Experiences don’t always breed intimacy. Sometimes they just make the distance more apparent.I want to know how your weekend was (I never want to know these types of things but you’re the exception to all my rules) and I want to know how you got that scar on your knee (biking accident when you were twelve? Tell me more! This story is more riveting than The Hunger Games!) and I want to know about your mom and dad (Are they assholes? No matter! We’ll start our own family!) I want to protect you. I want to preserve your innocence and drink it up for myself. You learn from me and I’ll learn from you. Deal?You’ll open me up like an orange, leaving a mess of pulp and sticky peels everywhere. Certain parts of my personality will be extracted and I’ll find myself feeling stuff I never knew was possible. It’s strange to think how many things we’re capable of without really knowing it until we have a proper catalyst — something or someone to bring it to the surface. Dig, dig, dig. No, you might need to dig a little deeper. I have a lot of crap sticking on top of the good stuff.
Thursday, April 05, 2012
I really really hate you. How you always assume you are right and all self-righteous, preaching everything you think is right. Bullshit. All bullshit. You twist all facts in your favour and point fingers. But I just leave you to say what you want. You are downright childish. I wonder when you are ever going to grow up and find true friends.
Good luck to you, ex-friend.
In times like these, you know who your true friends are. Just really thankful for them for truly having my back. And really, actions speak much louder than words.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
Never imagined I'd be saying this, or that I'd actually agree with this phrase, but today, I truly understood and felt that this phrase "People who know the least about you, always have the most to say." holds true so much.
Seriously, get a life.
Do I look like I give a damn about what you feel or what you think about me?
NO! Because I have erased you out of my life. What do you know about me now? I am no longer the old me you used to know, or rather, the stupid me who listened to you talk all day about yourself, narcissist.
And you know what, I'm very much happier now. So stop judging me, thinking you know what I'm doing or what I want to do.
No one gives a hoot about what you think now, simply because we don't care anymore. Not that we didn't give second chances. But we decided to give the chance to someone who was waiting for their first chance. And we are damn glad that we did.
I don't give a single hoot about what you think. You can think all you want but none of those is going to affect me.
I don't give a single hoot about what you think. You can think all you want but none of those is going to affect me.
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